To learn more about Enterprise's approach to Sustainability, please reference our latest publications.
2023 EIC Reporting Template: Enterprise is proud to participate in the Energy Infrastructure Council (EIC) ESG working group, a collaborative industry effort to develop an ESG reporting template specific to the midstream space.
We want our neighbors to know that protection of the environment is a priority, and we continuously evaluate and strive to reduce environmental risks, which can affect our business and the community. We have implemented system-wide programs to mitigate this risk and help ensure compliance with federal, state and local rules and regulations.
Enterprise is committed to being a responsible steward of the environment. Our Environmental Policy is focused on minimizing the impact of our operations, improving our operational efficiency, and protecting the environment. We are committed to reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity of our operations. We focus on reducing process, fugitive and operational GHG emissions whenever possible. The main avenues to achieve emissions reduction across our system include:
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Houston, TX 77002-5227
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